Install a new site


Install H4C

  1. Run composer create-project geeks4change/h4c_template your-project --stability=dev
  2. cd your-project
  3. Pin modules to tested versions: ./vendor/bin/composer-pin-apply web/modules/contrib/h4c/bin/
  4. Visit your site and run the installer (or do drush si hubs4change)
  5. Install H4C modules to your liking (recommended: all stable modules)
  6. Import missing config via /admin/config/development/features, select H4C bundle
  7. Optionally: Import translations via /admin/reports/translations/check

Install a local dev site (requires php >= 7.2/Ubuntu)

  1. Do 1.-4. from above
  2. drush rs
  3. Do all other steps from 5. on